23 may 2011

Among the clouds the sun may appear

The other day evening I felt like talking in English. This will be a mixture of topics, I haven't got that much time to write, I miss it.
Actually it was the other day morning, due to some mails I've sent to someone. Plus at work I got to call the USA for a service booking. It was AWESOME!!
This past week was a mess in matter of feelings. Feeling deeply happy towards feeling all alone and suicidal, feeling really hormonal, against the desire of self being.
In any case, it was not a normal week. Due to several comments, I've been forced to censure myself so as not to hurt others' feelings...Bloody hell. Screw others' feelings!
Na, I'm just screwing with you. I do know I may bother other ones, so that's why I'm going to watch out whatever I write, but still I'll write about whatever subject I please.
The other day I was in the train (did I mentioned I love traveling by train?, weird people get on it, amusing me with their strangeness and casual talking) and I heard a girl talking on her cellphone about how she got lost due to getting on the wrong train. YES! It does happen to other people! For ever alone not any more. ja, ja.
On another day I left my job pretty late, like at four p.m. (I'm working my ass off! (?)) and I got on the train. I was happily meditating about life and how beautiful and peaceful was to travel with a great book, the sun on my skin, the sound of the railway and great music. All of a sudden a certain man comes in. I thought, great! live music. So not at all. ¬¬
This fellow was kinda' old, big, and noisy. Although he played the guitar regularly well, he didn't sing, he SHOUTED. Yes, that mother f. shouted so loud that it crushed my mp4's 30 volume. I almost got deaph. Plus for 2 stations he shouted he wanted money. And sang 2 not very familiar tangos.
The next day I left work at the same hour, yet I hoped I didn't come across this guy. Unfortunately, he appeared right from nowhere. Not only was the wagon full of people, but he wanted to be on the centre of it. He walked past by me--correction, he pushed me aside so as to go across, hitting me with his fucking guitar, yelled like the previous day, asked for some money, and then pushed me again, although this time he also stepped on me. It hurt like hell. Bastard. Today a guy vomited. Pretty gross, yet not as bothering as the yelling man.
The other day I went out with some friends to Caix, we had a great night. Standing on the bathroom's line, I heard a girl saying (I'll tell it on Spanish, English version is not that amusing): "Osea, te afanan la cámara en un boliche. ¿No saben que NO DA que te roben en un boliche?, osea, ¡no da!". I was wondering...where then? Is it some place available, like "here society permits you to rob" or something like that?. Freaks.
Another thing, if a guy over..let's say...27 is nice to you an all, and wants to invite you to drink something, etc, does it mean he only wants sex? Shall we think all guys are decent? Or maybe all indecent? (Ale you may comment on this).
Finally, why do guys touch tummies? What is it about them they find..funny or amusing? The other day 2 guys (which I happen to know two weeks ago) touched my tummy instead of saying "hello/goodbye". I was like...wtf?
Anyways, I'm going for a nap, see y'all.

1 comentario:

  1. Creo que el sexo no es un factor, no me gustan las frases "lo unico que quiere es sexo". Por ahi es lo unico que quiere con vos. O con la chica a la que le hable ese dia.
    O por ahi es lo unico que quiere ese dia y listo, sexo y no ver mas a la otra persona, por eso va al boliche a encarar a todo el mundo.

    Pero no importa que quiere el otro, lo importante es que quiere uno y no andar pensando demasiado en el otro. O sea, ser egoista en ese momento. Si queres el trago, aceptalo. Si queres hablar un rato con un tipo, dale que va. Despues si el quiere garchar y vos no (o viceversa) listo. O, por ahi, hay buena onda y se cambian telefonos. Hay demasiadas variables y (para mi) no da caer en estereotipos de el hombre solo te invita un trago porque te quiere coger porque la vida es mucho mas interesante que eso.
